That Was A Gift, Dec. 18 2023
Say So! Dec. 1 2023
You Do Us No Favours, Nov. 30, 2023
Remembrance Day Tribute, Nov. 2015
Written one day before MP Han Dong's resignation. Photo credit: GR Stocks, Unsplash
George Floyd was mercilessly murdered by a police officer in the US this month. While the "bad guys" might seem obvious I suspect Mr. Floyd would have more to say on the matter while offering mercy too.
After a fresh wave of disputes in Ontario with unions and the government and across Canada with First Peoples and the government, this cry arose to say enough is enough.
I know our heavenly Father gives good and perfect gifts, but some are hard to recognize. I remember thinking about some of the things I'd gone through and hearing Him whisper, "That was a gift." That? Really. Yes, really. Look again. Yes, look again friend.
Like many around the world, I watched the 2016 US election campaign with great anticipation, wondering what would happen. On the night before the election, I felt there was going to be an upset. Boy, was there! This poem originated from that.
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